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February 2022 Newsletter

The most photographed image

We continue to see this image captured and reshared online by visitors who took in the recent Cathedral Festival of Lights, Dec. 15-19 on the Cathedral of Saint Paul campus. This stained-glass window came from our Cathedral, a large lunette above the entrance to Saint Joseph’s Chapel. Luxmuralis artist Peter Walker incorporated it into the outside show, The Beginning, using it for the final image. 

The window features The Presentation of Jesus at the temple by his parents. Saint Simeon on the left holds out a white cloth, ready to receive the infant Jesus. In Jewish traditions, the presentation combines a purification rite along with a redemption ceremony of the firstborn. Catholics celebrate the Presentation on February 2, 40 days after the birth. The old ceremonial custom had once also included a blessing of the mother, 40 days after childbirth or adoption, and can still be found in many cultures, Jewish among them.

The Presentation of infant Jesus to Saint Simeon held a special place as the closing image for The Beginning by Luxmuralis.

The great American craftsman Charles Connick designed this window in his signature style of bright, clear hues, along with the Cathedral’s rose windows, and the windows above the confessionals. In the lower-left and right corners of the window, encryption states the window was “A Gift of the Men of the Cathedral Parish.”

Photo by Gregory Polvolny on left: Look above the entrance to St. Joseph’s Chapel to see the lunette transom window featuring “The Presentation.”

Did you attend this year’s Festival of Lights? We’d love to hear your feedback. Take our anonymous survey and help us improve the experience for next year!


Mark your calendars for a very special concert hosted by the Cathedral Heritage Foundation

LE CHEMIN DE LA CROIX (The Way of the Cross) of Marcel Dupré
Friday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m.
Featuring the Historic Pipe Organs of the Cathedral of Saint Paul
Dr. Stephen Hamilton, organ
Mr. Michael Barone, narration.

“Le Chemin de la Croix,” (The Way of the Cross) by Marcel Dupré, is a musical meditation on each of the 14 Stations. Tracing the story of the Passion, this ambitious work was created in 1931. The recitation of the literary Le Chemin de la Croix was given in 1931 by Paul Claudel, a fervent Catholic diplomat, poet, and dramatist. 

This presentation features international concert artist Stephen Hamilton with narration by Michael Barone, host and senior executive producer of Pipedreams, a nationally syndicated public radio program.

Marcel Dupre, composer
Stephen Hamilton, organist
Michael Barone, narrator, and host of Pipedreams